Senin, 29 Mei 2017

Bücher Herunterladen Fill Your Oil Paintings with Light and Color

Bücher Herunterladen Fill Your Oil Paintings with Light and Color

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Fill Your Oil Paintings with Light and Color

Fill Your Oil Paintings with Light and Color

Fill Your Oil Paintings with Light and Color

Bücher Herunterladen Fill Your Oil Paintings with Light and Color

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Fill Your Oil Paintings with Light and Color


For the beginner or experienced painter, this book provided inspiration and insight into the art of watercolour. Learn how the unusual techniques of pouring paint and masking give a glowing quality to the picture. Pouring causes the colour to tint rather than cover the paper while masking allows more freedom in applying colours.


Taschenbuch: 144 Seiten

Verlag: F&W; Auflage: New ed (1. März 2001)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1581800533

ISBN-13: 978-1581800531

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

21,6 x 1,1 x 27,9 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

2 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 218.728 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Ich besitze viel bucher uber mahlerei. Dieses buch ist aber das beste.Seitdem ich dieses buch durchgearbeitet habe, sehe ich die welt mit anderem blick. Die farben, schatten usw. Sehr lehrsam, ob fur anfenger?Jedenfals werde ich seine tips immer in betracht nehmen und das buch noch sehr viel benutzen. Was man so alles lernt:Farben mengen, kuhl,warm, grau usw.Schatten und licht sehen und die farben mengen.Wie man anfangt und das Gemalde aufbaut.Wie man schnell pochaden mahlt.Und noch vieles mehr.Zweitbestes buch fur mich ist "Painting better landscapes" von Margaret Kessler und drittes "Paint red hot landscapes" von Mike Svob.Fur alle drei bucher gilt das man Enlische sprache beherrst.Und bitte entschuldigung fur mein Deutsch. Ich bin Hollander.

A book full of examples of great paintings by Kevin MacPherson, he keeps the principles of good painting simple. I keep going back to it as my eye becomes more discerning of subtleties in my subject matter and as I gain more skill in the application of oil paint. Anybody interested in a workshop by KMP and others, look for the Plein Air Painters of America (PAPA) web page.

I think this is the third time I've bought a copy of this book. When we travel, and I want to paint landscapes, this is one of those must-have references that push me to use bolder colors with more vivid results.Seriously, I should just keep a copy in my suitcase, so I don't keep ordering it. (Thank heavens for Amazon's two-day delivery. When I need this book, I need it right away. LOL)If you're painting landscapes with oils or acrylics, and possibly with watercolors, this book is a constant inspiration. If you like the painting on the book cover, order this book now. It'll show you new ways to add energy and emotion to your paintings, through color and contrast.

I have a couple of Kevin MacPherson's books on landscape painting. I thoroughly enjoy them and have always taken away valuable information from his writings. The only thing I still struggle with is the limited palette that he recommends in both of those books. I mean...what am I supposed to do with all of my many tubes of gorgeous oil paint? But, I'm working on it and have begun to feel more comfortable with using just a handful (Kevin's recommended handful plus a couple additions of my own) to do my color mixing.There is so much in this book that is useful to both the novice and advanced artist. All manner of practical advice, instruction, and demonstrations are included having to do with landscape painting in the great outdoors. And, really...if you're painting the outdoors, isn't it better to actually BE there rather than painting from a photo? (Although he has a book that addresses that, too, which is wonderful.)One of my favorite pieces of advice that I found in this book is Kevin's challenge to do 100 starts as well as a second challenge of painting a small plein air in one hour every day for 3 months. It's excellent advice. It forced me to stop concentrating on getting every painting "just right." It instilled a feeling of freedom that really loosened me up as an artist.Good stuff.

I have learned SO much from this book, highlighting several things on every page. He is a great teacher and I would recommend it to anyone who is having trouble mixing colors or upgrading their paintings. This is a perfect book for me and I highly recommend it to any level of painter.

Have 2 books by Kevin Macpherson and am using them to teach myself the techniques of oil painting. A friend who saw my efforts immediately noticed how the paintings captured light. Thank you Mr. Macpherson for your wonderful examples and "how to " instructions. I keep going back and re-reading chapters and poring over his luscious paintings. Love his style and enjoy his ability to explain the concepts in an approachable matter. Well done and a must purchase for painters.

Great book. Was recommended to me by a very skilled artist and I would recommend it to others. I need to keep rereading it. Pictures are great. It's not a long book, but it's very so succinct in terms of the information conveyed.

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Fill Your Oil Paintings with Light and Color PDF
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